Make your managed travel program safer for travelers

When your employees are on the road, there is nothing more important than their safety. A Traveler Security Program Assessment can help protect your company’s most valuable assets: your people.

business travel booking

Travel risks change over time – and so must the programs put in place to protect against those risks. A risk management strategy developed five years ago may not be robust enough for today’s risk environment. Illness poses danger (we sure learned that during the pandemic). But, so do extreme weather, civil war, kidnapping and terrorism. Is your organization prepared? A Traveler Security Program Assessment can help uncover answers.

The fully customized assessment provides personalized insights into where your program stands today. It considers:

  • Your organizational flow and structure
  • Risks specific to your organization and industry
  • Your organization’s corporate culture

The assessment fully aligns with the ISO 31030:2021 Travel risk management standard for organizations, produced by the International Organization for Standardization. The standard provides global guidance on travel risk management. ISO 31030 guidelines aim to “Promote a culture where travel-related risks are taken seriously, resourced adequately, managed effectively, and the benefits to the organization and stakeholders are acknowledged.”

How will a Traveler Security Program Assessment benefit my company?

Completing the Traveler Security Program Assessment and improving your program will reassure employees that their health, safety, and security are organizational priorities. Use the assessment to determine the best ways to protect your company’s assets, reputation, business continuity, and, most importantly, your employees.

What happens during a Traveler Security Program Assessment?

During the assessment, travel risk management experts meet with the key stakeholders in your organization to perform an in-depth review and audit of your travel risk program.

The assessment explores:

  • 11 core aspects of duty of care
  • What policies are in place around traveler risk? Are travelers aware of them?
  • Who’s responsible for which travel risks, i.e., do some aspects of traveler security fall under the travel program and others under corporate security?
  • What’s the protocol for travelers to request assistance on the road?
  • What’s the protocol for reaching out to travelers during and after a crisis?
  • Do travelers have a defined duty of loyalty to contact the company after a crisis? Are travelers aware of their responsibilities?

At the end of the full-day session, you’ll receive a snapshot of results, revealing where your program stands compared to similar organizations and best-in-class programs. Following the assessment, we’ll provide you personalized findings, evaluation, and recommendations designed to bring your organization into compliance with ISO 31030 global guidance.

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