TSA PreCheck makes screening easier and more efficient for enrolled travelers. Enrolled TSA PreCheck passengers do not have to remove their shoes, belts and light jackets. They can keep laptops, 3-1-1 liquids and food items in their bags. Most TSA PreCheck passengers in dedicated lanes wait less than 10 minutes at U.S. airport checkpoints.
TSA PreCheck is available at more than 200 U.S. airports. Enrolled passengers can use it when departing from a U.S. airport or when connecting on domestic flights, after returning to the United States. Travelers who are U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals and U.S. lawful permanent residents can apply for TSA PreCheck and can pick any enrollment provider based on cost, locations, and additional benefits. Costs for enrollment vary by provider. Travelers must complete the online application and schedule an in-person appointment with a chosen provider to complete the enrollment.
Once approved, travelers receive a unique “Known Traveler Number” (KTN) that, when added to an airline reservation, makes them eligible to use TSA PreCheck lanes at security checkpoints nationwide when traveling on any of the participating airlines. Most new enrollees receive a KTN within three to five days.