Elite Partnership

As an Elite Partner with SAP Concur, BCD offers travelers, travel managers and procurement teams a powerful end-to-end solution that captures more data, better measures performance and optimizes travel spend.

Shared Background

BCD Travel and SAP Concur have a long-term, mutually beneficial strategic distribution partnership. We are aligned at all levels between organizations and work together for the benefit of our mutual and prospective customers. Our relationship started in 2003, and we have more experience implementing, customizing and supporting SAP Concur tools than any other travel management company.

Together, BCD Travel and SAP Concur touch more travel transactions than any other combination. Customers using BCD Travel and SAP Concur Travel & Expense are able to capture, measure and manage the largest number of service elements and the most spend of any other option—in large part because we continue to build stronger integration points into our combined offering.

Our Advantages

We are the only mega global TMC using a proprietary and customized version of SAP Concur’s process automation (Compleat) in every market in which we operate. This creates a natural alignment whereby BCD’s operational automation lives in the SAP Concur technology stack. Our development efforts align so process automation works in tandem. Our global proprietary version of Compleat enables immediate viewership and integration.

The Most Robust Automation In The Industry

Travelers using BCD Travel and SAP Concur get access to their trip details wherever they enter the system, for all online and offline bookings—whether made via TripSource, agent, Concur Travel or Concur Mobile. Our proprietary versions of Compleat and Authorizer offer the most robust process automation in the industry.

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