Ask TripSource: Answers to business traveler FAQs

Travel managers, share these TripSource® tips with your business travelers.

Smiling man holding phone in outdoor café.

A successful travel program thrives when travelers are informed, empowered, and engaged. Giving your travelers the tools they need to manage their own journeys is the key to boosting program effectiveness. That’s where TripSource® comes in. With TripSource, travelers can easily stay organized, receive real-time policy guidance, and keep others in the loop – all at their convenience.

In this post, we’ll share answers to common questions to help you and your travelers make the most of TripSource. Share these tips with your travelers via email or wherever you connect with them to keep your program running at its best.

Can business travelers view past trips in TripSource?

Yes! TripSource stores up to two years of travel history under the “Past Trips” section on the home page. Travelers can quickly check where they stayed, which routes they took, or other details from their previous trips. Whether they’re planning their next trip or submitting an expense report, this feature makes finding past travel information fast and hassle-free.

Can TripSource automatically update and share travel plans with selected followers?

Absolutely. TripSource makes it easy for travelers to share updates with specific people, including friends, family, or colleagues. Here’s how it works:

  1. Swipe right from the home screen of the TripSource app to open the “Followers” section.
  2. Enter the email address of the person to receive updates and tap “Save.”

If a traveler prefers to share updates for a specific trip only, they can open the trip card, select “Share trip” from the menu, and choose who to notify. This feature is ideal for making sure loved ones and colleagues have the latest itinerary details.

Make business travel better with TripSource

Our award-winning TripSource is designed to simplify business travel for both travelers and travel arrangers. Available as a user-friendly app and web experience, it allows travelers to manage every aspect of their journey in one convenient platform.

Built for personalization, anytime access, and streamlined convenience, TripSource empowers travelers to stay organized and focused. For travel managers, the platform helps ensure compliance, control travel spend, and enhance security – meeting the key objectives of any successful travel program.

These tools aren’t just convenient – they’re part of what makes TripSource a valuable resource for today’s business travelers. Share these tips with your travelers to help them make the most of the app’s features.

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