Swift action past normal working hours averts client getting stuck before COVID-19 lockdown
BCD’s quick action and dedication helped the client fulfill its duty of care, getting their travelers home safely during a very hectic week.
BCD’s quick action and dedication helped the client fulfill its duty of care, getting their travelers home safely during a very hectic week.
Advice and tips to prepare travelers for their future hotel experience.
An exclusive BCD M&E crew-management tool saves time and money for energy, resources and marine companies sending seafarers around the world, as a fleet personnel manager explains.
In-person agent support gives travelers the confidence they need to get on the road again.
Tools and strategies to help you and your travelers get back on the road.
Sourcing and managing hotels in the age of COVID-19.
Strategic advice, checklists and solutions for travel managers.
Advice and tips to prepare travelers for the airport experience of the future.
Are your travelers ready to deal with the complex web of immigration requirements?
Transition to virtual collaboration has allowed for business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Advice and tips travelers can use throughout their trip to support a seamless and safe experience when away from home.
Find out what airlines are doing to protect travelers against COVID-19.
A strategy for managing hotel programs in today’s changing landscape.
Find cash in your travel program.
Top 3 traveler worries around future travel relate to quarantine measures, social distancing and cleanliness.