BCD Travel Alerts update

Make better risk assessments and take swifter action.

Spotting potential travel risks and disruptions has just gotten easier for travelers,  travel managers and security teams who receive BCD Travel Alerts.

On Nov. 11, BCD launched redesigned alerts that offer at-a glance assessments of relevant worldwide events and how they might affect travelers. Plus, a new interactive map in the security feature of DecisionSource now pinpoints event locations—improving a company’s ability to identify nearby travelers.

New alert categories

The new Travel Alerts (that you may know as Intelliguide GoAlerts, GoPNR, and messaging on the GoBase Portal) offer four descriptive categories—Attention, Caution, Warning and Emergency—that guide travelers and travel managers on how to react. What’s more, major incidents are clearly designated as Significant Travel Impact (STI) events.


Easier-to-follow layout

The Travel Alert email is simpler to follow, too. Risk levels are color-coded and headlines are easier to read.


icon-electricWant to know more about how BCD Travel can help you stay on top of travel risks and disruptions? Ask your account manager for details.

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